Non-Academic Writing


Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students (with Johanna Lacoe, Sam Ayers, Karla Palos Castellanos, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Jamila Henderson, Jennifer Hogg, Sarah Hoover, Alan Perez, and Justine Weng). Report, California Policy Lab, June 2024.4

Reducing intergenerational poverty. Consensus report, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. September 2023.

California Policy Lab

Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students (with Johanna Lacoe, Sam Ayers, Karla Palos Castellanos, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Jamila Henderson, Jennifer Hogg, Sarah Hoover, Alan Perez, and Justine Weng). Report, California Policy Lab, June 2024.4

“The economic impact on women of the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Brett Fischer, Till von Wachter, and Evan White). Chartbook, California Policy Lab, November 2022.

“Emailing College students and the Impact on CalFresh Applications” (with Karla Palos Castellanos, Charles Davis, Elise Dizon Ross, Anna Doherty, and Johanna Lacoe). Policy Brief, August 2022.

“CAAL-Skills: Study of Workforce Training Programs in California” (with Robert Santillano, Till von Wachter, Wahid Khan, and Mary Yang). Report, California Policy Lab, May 2022.

“Connecting Families to Benefits Using Linked Data: A Toolkit” (with Aparna Ramesh, Evan White, Charles Davis, and Samantha Fu). Report, March 2022.

“Hashed Linkages for Administrative Datasets: A Technical How-to Guide” (with Samantha Fu, Charles Davis, Aparna Ramesh, and Evan White). Report, March 2022.

“Independent Contracting in California: An Analysis of Trends and Characteristics Using Tax Data” (with Annette Bernhardt, Sarah Thomason, Chris Campos, Allen Prohofsky, and Aparna Ramesh). Report, March 2022.

“California Community College and University of California Student Participation in CalFresh Food Benefits” (with Karla Palos Castellanos, Charles Davis, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Samantha Fu, Johanna Lacoe, and Monica Saucedo). Data Point, February 2022.

“Identifying the impacts of job training programs in California” (with Robert Santillano and Till von Wachter). Policy brief, California Policy Lab, January 2022.

“Demystifying college costs: How nudges can and can’t help” (with Elizabeth Linos and Vikash Reddy). Working paper, October 2021.

“2018 Tax Filing Season Honesty and Accuracy Nudge” (with Patrick Kennedy, Elizabeth Linos, and Aparna Ramesh). Policy Brief, August 2020.

“Increasing Take-Up of the Earned Income Tax Credit” (with Elizabeth Linos, Aparna Ramesh, and Matt Unrath). January 2020.

“The ‘Gig Economy’ and Independent Contracting: Evidence from California Tax Data” (with Annette Bernhardt and Allen Prohofsky). August 2019.

“Linking Administrative Data: Strategies and Methods” (with Elsa Augustine and Vikash Reddy). White paper, December 19, 2018.

“Increasing the Take Up of Cal Grants” (with Elizabeth Linos and Vikash Reddy). In Designing Financial Aid for California’s Future. The Institute for College Access and Success, November 2018.

“Making California Data More Useful for Educational Improvement” (with Meredith Philips and Sarah Reber). Published by Getting Down To Facts II, Stanford University / Policy Analysis for California Education, September 2018.


“The economic impact on women of the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Brett Fischer, Till von Wachter, and Evan White). Chartbook, California Policy Lab, November 2022.

“Full COVID recovery requires raising the minimum wage,” with Heidi Shierholz. The Hill, February 10, 2021.

“The lasting scars from graduating in a recession,” with Lisa Kahn. Econofact, December 12, 2020.

“Jobs numbers across countries since COVID-19,” with Martha Gimbel and Danny Yagan. June 4, 2020.

“The White House’s favored recovery strategy could permanently scar the economy,” with Jared Bernstein. Op-ed, The Washington Post, May 25, 2020.

“Labor market impacts of COVID-19 on hourly workers in small- and medium-sized businesses: Four facts from Homebase data,” with Alexander W. Bartik, Marianne Bertrand, Feng Lin, and Matt Unrath. Original posting April 8, 2020, with frequent updates since.

“A fast, simple way to get support to workers without paid leave,” with Jared Bernstein. Op-ed, The Washington Post, March 10, 2020.

Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance

The Earned Income Tax Credit

Safety Net and Low-wage Work

Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students (with Johanna Lacoe, Sam Ayers, Karla Palos Castellanos, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Jamila Henderson, Jennifer Hogg, Sarah Hoover, Alan Perez, and Justine Weng). Report, California Policy Lab, June 2024.4

Reducing intergenerational poverty. Consensus report, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. September 2023.

“Full COVID recovery requires raising the minimum wage,” with Heidi Shierholz. The Hill, February 10, 2021.

“What Does the Seattle Experience Teach Us About Minimum Wages?” (with Diane Schanzenbach) EconoFact, Tufts University, August 7, 2017.

“Do Minimum Wages Really Kill Jobs?” (with Michael Reich) EconoFact, Tufts University, April 27, 2017.

“Social Security Benefits: When Do You Plan to Retire?” EconoFact, Tufts University, February 9, 2017.

School Finance

Teacher Evaluation

“Q&A: The Economic Consequences of Denying Teacher Tenure.” The American Prospect, August 4, 2016.

Higher Education Admissions and Finance

“Simplifying communications can help high school students navigate college costs and the Cal Grant program” (with Samantha Fu and Elizabeth Linos). California Policy Lab Policy Brief, October 2021. (Source paper)

Testimony to Regents of the University of California on “Standardized College Entrance Exams: Current Uses and Academic Perspectives on Use.” May 21, 2020. As prepared (PDF). As delivered (video)

“UC Regents should consider all evidence and options in decision on admissions policy,” with Michal Kurlaender and Sarah Reber. Policy Analysis for California Education, April 2020.

“The Impact of Letters of Recommendation on UC Berkeley Admissions in the 2016-17 Cycle.” Report to the UC Berkeley faculty committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Preparatory Education, June 2017.

Other Topics

“Public investments in social insurance, education, and child care can overcome market failures to promote family and economic well-being,” with Sandra Black. In Kate Bahn, ed., Boosting wages for U.S. workers in the new economy, Washington Center for Equitable Growth and the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley. January 2021.

Reducing intergenerational poverty. Consensus report, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. September 2023.

“Why Cal (not Harvard) is America’s top college.” San Francisco Examiner, September 12, 2021.

“Broad structural change is needed to boost wages in a U.S. economy that is more equitable to produce strong, sustainable economic growth,” with Kate Bahn. In Kate Bahn, ed., Boosting wages for U.S. workers in the new economy, Washington Center for Equitable Growth and the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley. January 2021.

“Making California data more useful for educational improvement,” with Meredith Philips and Sarah Reber. Technical report, Getting Down to Facts II, September 2018. (Brief) (Video).

American Economic Association Continuing Education Course in Labor Economics, with Lowell Taylor. (Day 1). (Day 2) (Day 3).

“Conversation: Merit, Testing, and Opportunity,” with Richard Rothstein. The American Prospect 11(21), Sept. 25-Oct. 9, 2000, pp. 19-20.

“Taxes and the Internet: Updating Tax Structures for a Wired World” (with Traci Gleason Wright). State Tax Notes 17(9), August 23, 1999.

Non-Academic Writing, by Topic